Thursday, September 24, 2015

Liquify Filter

        The Filters used in this selfie photo are forward warp tool, pucker tool, and the bloat tool.  These filters are found once you go into Liquify found under the file selection in Photoshop.
 All the tools within Liquify are
  • Forward Warp Tool
  • Reconstruct Tool
  • Pucker Tool
  • Bloat Tool
  • Push Left Tool
  • Hand Tool
  • Magnifying Glass Tool


The Forward Warp Tool grabs a part of the image and moves the image to where you drag the mouse. -view hair

The Reconstruct tool slowly morphs and UN-does and work done with the following tools.

The Pucker Tool pinches the image; from the center of the brush, together making the selected part smaller and puckered. 
-view lip corners and eye brows.

The  Bloat Tool expands the selected part of the image making it larger and just as all the tools in Liquify the tool operates from the center of the brush.
 -view eyes and teeth.

The Push Left Tool pushed the selected part of the image to the left.

The Hand Tool allows you to move around the image without adding any effect, filter, or damage to the work you have done.

The Magnifying Glass Tool lets you zoom in and out of the photo to see more or less o the image.

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