Tuesday, September 15, 2015


       Working With Layers

         In this lesson we learned how to use layers in Photoshop and old  tools that we have already learned about; such as the magic wand tool.
       When overlapping layers if you do not want the white background covering over other of your images the best thing to do is rename your layer and delete the back ground creating a transparency.
        So you do not have to wait so long for the photo to load when delivering the image you deliver it as JPG, but I save the image as not only a JPG, but as also a PSD so that if I have to make changes to the file I am able to re-open the image in Photoshop as I had last left it.
        The hidden word in the found image are; "canned star fish", "star light", "pin reel" almost like pinwheel, and off to the side is a framed flower.

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