Thursday, September 24, 2015

Liquify Filter

        The Filters used in this selfie photo are forward warp tool, pucker tool, and the bloat tool.  These filters are found once you go into Liquify found under the file selection in Photoshop.
 All the tools within Liquify are
  • Forward Warp Tool
  • Reconstruct Tool
  • Pucker Tool
  • Bloat Tool
  • Push Left Tool
  • Hand Tool
  • Magnifying Glass Tool


The Forward Warp Tool grabs a part of the image and moves the image to where you drag the mouse. -view hair

The Reconstruct tool slowly morphs and UN-does and work done with the following tools.

The Pucker Tool pinches the image; from the center of the brush, together making the selected part smaller and puckered. 
-view lip corners and eye brows.

The  Bloat Tool expands the selected part of the image making it larger and just as all the tools in Liquify the tool operates from the center of the brush.
 -view eyes and teeth.

The Push Left Tool pushed the selected part of the image to the left.

The Hand Tool allows you to move around the image without adding any effect, filter, or damage to the work you have done.

The Magnifying Glass Tool lets you zoom in and out of the photo to see more or less o the image.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

JPG Compression and File Size



        In this project we used a new filter on Photoshop named cutout; it reduces the color from the image, but what reduces the quality of the image is when you change the image to JPG. Not only did we change the file to jpg reducing its quality but we also went withing jpg and changed the quality of the image even more. When the quality is at 100 the image is viewed the best jpg file. Quality 100 has the largest file size at 57,990.



       This file was set at quality sixty which does not turn out as horrible as the photo with quality zero, but its still not the greatest. As the quality changes so does the files size. For example with this file the image is set to use better quality that zero so the file takes up more space. (19,377 bytes)    



        The most noticeable area to see the changes in the quality is around the eyes on the face. This is quality zero which causes the image to be very pixelized, boxy, blurry, and just plain out a terrible image. This file size is the smallest as 5,732 bytes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


       Working With Layers

         In this lesson we learned how to use layers in Photoshop and old  tools that we have already learned about; such as the magic wand tool.
       When overlapping layers if you do not want the white background covering over other of your images the best thing to do is rename your layer and delete the back ground creating a transparency.
        So you do not have to wait so long for the photo to load when delivering the image you deliver it as JPG, but I save the image as not only a JPG, but as also a PSD so that if I have to make changes to the file I am able to re-open the image in Photoshop as I had last left it.
        The hidden word in the found image are; "canned star fish", "star light", "pin reel" almost like pinwheel, and off to the side is a framed flower.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Semiotics Logo


              McDonald's logo is the Yellow arches in front of the red background. This symbol of the "M" originated when Brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald insisted on having the arches since it resembled the "M" in there name McDonald. The two brothers had went through three architectures who all disagreed with the golden arches; they insisted on having. Although the "M" for McDonald's could be categorized as symbolic because it is a learned symbol it could also be iconic. Iconic because this is not only a learned symbol, but also can be seen as a symbol that represents the "M" for McDonald's. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


       Semiotics are signs of signs. There are three types of semiotics they are iconic, indexical, and symbolic. Iconic symbols look like what they are suppose to represent. indexical symbols are symbols that show cause and effect. Symbolic semiotics are symbols that you learns the meaning of such as the restroom signs, bio hazard, and the up and down arrows for the elevator. My image is a crayon rubbing of a man for the boys restroom. this would be considered symbolic semiotic because this is a symbol you have to learn that means to enter the boys restroom.