Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crayon Rubbings

The goals of this crayon project was to create a flat crayon picture that is viewed as having texture, symbols, words/numbers and overlapping of the three. Depending on whether you planned it or not your crayon rubbing may have told a story.
I learned that when overlapping, some objects will appear darker than others depending on the pressure you apply to the crayon. Some will even be more wholesome with less pressure rather than more pressure. The more risen the object the easier and it will be to view on the paper while on the other hand the more flat the object the more your paper will look like giant color scribblings.
On this crayon rubbing I could have put the darker blue pressure of the crayon more on the outer ring so the fuchsia  color could stand out more in the center.
In this crayon rubbing the main eye catcher of the image is the blue due to the fact that the fuchsia takes over most of the page; such as the three, the man, and the lettering. Although I choose blue as my center color I could have added more color color to the opposite side so the colors were balanced. Maybe adding the rigged blue to the entire background lightly other than dark and to the side.

1 comment:

  1. The purple color looks like it doesn’t seem to match or fit in with blue. The blue color makes me feel tired and relaxed. The purple color represents a person, an emergency number but reversed, a temperature or age. The drawing includes green blue, red pink, dark pink or purple and white. It shows a number, room, person, and its iconic and nature. A man in water floating or swimming, relaxing, tired, thinking about random stuff. The water tires him but relaxing him at the same time. A man walking the rain which represents the color blue, the purple symbols may be signs or thoughts. A man who has lived for 115 years. He is in a mechanical room full of water and waiting to drown or be electrocuted. He is a depressed lonely man waiting to join his love ones or just to commit suicide
