Thursday, August 27, 2015

Color Mode Exercise


        Bitmap is the smallest file because there are only two colors needed to create this file. The uncompressed file size of Bitmap was 94.9k which came out to one third of the Red, Green, Blue file image.
 Gray scale

       Gray scale was the next smallest file because in the photo only used 256 colors. The uncompressed file size came out to 759.4k and when multiplying it by three will come out to the same image size as the original image.
 Index Color

       When choosing 4 - 12 colors to appear in the image I had went with the largest and chose twelve. The file size to my surprise came out to the same as the gray scale image. The uncompressed file size was also 759.4k.
Red Green Blue

       In Red Green Blue this image size was the largest and came to 2.22m this is because when in this mode it used 16.7 million colors to create the image to its full affect.

PS: Color Mode : worksheet/quiz

 1) Can you change file format just by changing its name? Discuss.
              -No, we can not change th e format, but you can confuse the computer.

2) How many colors are in the following color modes?
              -RGB: 16.7 million
              -INDEX COLORS: 256 or less
              -GREY SCALE: 256
              -BITMAP: 2

3) What happents to the (uncompressed) files size as you change the color modes? Disscuss.
              - When you are going from one color mode to the next the file size will change, for example from RGB to GREY SCALE your file size will shrink due to the fact that you use less colors creating the image.

4)  What happens to the visual quality of images as you reduce the number of colors by changing the color mode?
              -It changes the quality of the image and the amount of data the file is using up.

5)What is a good reason to convert PSD files to JPG?
              -A good reason is because PSD is for photo shop and JPG is to deliver the photo.

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