Tuesday, December 8, 2015



For this project we had to create our own book cover using an already existing book. We had to use our own creations of a book cover without using other found images, they all had to be original images.


 In my steps when making this I first took an image of my sister and slimmed her down to make her seem overly skinny since the plot of the book is of a girl who suffers from anorexia.


STEP 1: Using a book to find the measurements of my book
STEP 2: Used InDesign to create my layout with the correct meausrements of the book
STEP 3: Place the image of my sister using Photoshop to adjust and correct
STEP 4: Placed the image on my layout along with a blue back ground and snowflackes
STEP 5: Printed the book cover and folded it along the imaginary lines I left for myself 

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