Wednesday, October 7, 2015

GIF Colors and Quality


       In this project we were told to experiment with a variety of colors to be viewed in a photo. When saving an image in Photoshop as a GIF file the size of the file is not as big as a JPG because the colors are controllable while JPG it automatically sets the amount of colors it thinks your image has.

        The number of colors we were told to experiment with were six colors to make the image and then two-hundred colors.


        The GIF with six colors came out to the file size of 9,170 and the quality observation I had on the image was that it had little to no color and seemed "boxy". (first image)

       When changing the amount of viewed colors from six to two-hundred the file size increased due to more information on the file.

       The file size came out to 30,328 and when doing an observation on the quality I noticed the image seemed more paint like however, it still looked "boxy", but did have more color.  (second image)

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