Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Clone Tool


In this class session we learned how to use the clone tool. If you are not sure what that does, well it clones the area you select and when you click on another part of your image it will begin placing the area you cloned to the newly selected area. Hence why I have a third eye placed on the center of my forehead. (first image)


A practical use for the clone tool could be to make the creation of having a third eye on your forehead to let people know you are watching ☻. Another could be to have some fun redoing an image just to be silly. Although each of those reasons are fun the most practical use for the clone tool would probably have to be_ fixing blemishes.


Step 1 : Open Photoshop
Step 2 : Select the clone tool (second image)
Step 3 : Hold down the option key to select a wanted area to clone
Step 4 : Drag around your mouse and you will start to see what you cloned appear in the newly wanted area.

*keep in mind the clone tool does clone from the center of the circle
*You have complete control about the size of the circle; you can enlarge the circle in order to select a larger area or minimize the area to clone less so you do not clone any unwanted parts.

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