Thursday, November 5, 2015

Logo design and layout stages



In this project we learned what it means when an image is Gestalt. Gestalt is when the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts; grouping information together. We had to create thumbnails, roughs, comprehensive, and a Final print out of our  personal logo.


         We created a set a twenty different thumbnail sketches in order to find the chosen one. We had to interpret out initials into our image. Thumbnails are small sketches created to give you ideas and thoughts which will prepare you for the rough sketches.

Sketch List and name/initial

          1) Side view of a face -Lola      
          2) Masquerade mask -Lola 
          3) Bone -Lola
          4) Hand -L.E.T
          5) Queen Chess piece -L.T
          6) Key -L.E.T
          7) Pencil -L.T
          8) Apple -L.T
          9) Hot-Air Balloon -L.T
          10) Butterfly -L.T
          11) Diamond Plate -L.T
          12) Light Bulb -L.T
          13) Leaf -L.T
          14) Fork -L.T
          15) Soda Bottle -L.T
          16) Star -L.T
          17) Ying-Yang -L.T
          18) Dress -L.T
          19) Arizona shape -L.T
          20) Turtle -L.T

My two chosen ones to use for my rough designs were the Star (number 15) and the Light Bulb (number 12). Out of all twenty thumbnails those two were my favorite and ones I could work with the most. 

The audience target for both chosen logos was a logo that could be presented for a business and look professional. 


After completing the thumbnails we were to create our rough sketches which were larger six by six squares with our logo design sketches centered on the inside. The logo was to be drawn out as large as possible within the square. When re-sketching these logos to look nicer than the thumbnails I first used a pen to make the darkest parts look dark, but as you can see with the light bulb using pen was probably not the best idea because it caused the paper to curl and wave. When doing this the best tool to use would have to be a marker such as a sharpie to get the darkest dark for your gestalt image.


In the first logo that appears to have a star, it does not. If you see down the middle I used my initials L and T to create a split down the center of the star to give the illusions that a star is actually in the image.

For the second logo that looks like a light bulb I originally started off with a hot air balloon design, but when further looking at it I adjusted some lines and saw a better design which was the light bulb shape. I wrote my initials in the center to look like the wires of a light bulb. I felt that the light bulb explained me better as a person because I am intelligent, bright and I made the back ground black to make the white of the "light" stand out more.



After scanning the image and opening it up in Photoshop to adjust the levels I then proceeded to open the image in Adobe Photoshop to fix the points of the bulb, making the curves of the image more precise and expanding the image to fit the size of the page.

Are the Lights ouT?